Wednesday 5 September 2018

why we all need sleep

Hello everybody last week my group leaned about sleep. 

I am learning to read and find the appropriate information I am searching for.

Here I have three facts I have learnt so far.

Did you know that animals all need sleep however they do sleep in different kind of ways . some Animals even sleep while their standing up.
There are different kinds of sleep as well like REM sleep.
and did you know that Dolphins can swim while they are asleep  

the first article i read was all about sleep the is illustrator is Jill Mcdougall I think the author wrote this because it tells people About sleep   

my amazing body

On Wednesday we did body system learning in my topic group. I am learning about the body. Our topic group was doing an experiment. We put white blood cells in that were marshmallow cut up in to bits,  platelets made out of licorice and blood cells that were made out of Cheerios into the bottle of water. Here are three system and facts I have been learning about.  

this is my work