Monday 29 March 2021

Learning about Ukulele

 Hi guys today I am going to be telling you about what we are learning in class for period 4.

We have been learning about ukulele's.

The other day the whole class was practicing the ukulele there were about four people who had a certain part. the teacher put a song on the screen and when it was there part that's when they had to strum and the others were singing the song.

Where was the first ukulele made.

That's a really good question. The first ukulele was made in hawaii. actually i did't know this fact either but I guess we are all learning new things everyday.

What are the names for the sizes of ukulele 

The ukulele most commonly comes in four sizes: soprano, concert, tenor, and baritone I didn't know until one of my friends told me.

Ukulele Whānau Hanger by Childspace New Zealand ECE

I hoped you like reading my blog post byee.

Gummy Bear Osmosis!!!


I want to find out what happens to gummy bears when we put them into different liquids. 


I think that the gummy bears will shrink or grow, maybe lose its colour 


  • Three solutions water,sugar and salt 
  • Four gummy bears of the same colour 
  • you need two petri dishes 
  • Marker pen
  • Electronic Balance  
  • Measuring Cylinder 
  • Beaker  


  1. Get your equipment 
  2. Label petri dishes with dry,water,saltwater,sugar water
  3. weigh the gummy bear and record their weight on the petri dish   
  4. Add 40ml of the solution into the petri dish  

What it looks like now

this is what it looks like today 

I hope you liked browsing through my blog posts bye

Thursday 11 March 2021

Skittle colours experiment


I want to find out what happens when you Skittle colours.



  • Skittles 
  • Petri dish
  • Warm water 
  • Beaker
  • White background


  1. Get your equipment 
  2. Place your petri dish on the white background 
  3. Put your skittles around the inside edge of the petri dish  
  4. Gently pour warm water into the middle of the petri dish 
  5. Observe what happens 


  • i think that the colours will start to merge into the middle then once the colours comes of the skittles they will be white and if you pick the grape flavour and mix the colour of the water will be brown.


1. The colours dissolved (When a solid is mix into a liquid, creating a solution). 
Why does the colours dissolve? 
REASON 1: The reason food colours meet in the centre of the plate and not mix is because the food colour has the same sugar amount dissolved from each skittles, when the sugar dissolves it pushes outwards into the rest of the solution, sending the colour outwards as well. 
REASON 2: The skittle colours have tons of molecules and molecules don't like to be near other molecules so the colour spreads outward towards the centre where no colour is, so it diffuses (spread over a wide area or between a large number of people) towards the centre.

Thank you for reading my blog post.

Friday 5 March 2021

The Bunsen burner

 Hello guys welcome back today I am going to be telling you about what we did in science. Our teacher told us to write down instructions on how to do it so here are my instructions☺️.

  •  Get the heating equipment
  • Wear safety glasses 
  • Put the heat mat on the bench 
  • Connect the hose 
  • Turn the collar to close the air hole
  • Light the match or lighter 
  • Turn on the gas 
  • Turn the collar to open the air hole  

Here is the video of me lighting the bunsen burner.

Hands on fire

Today I am going to be telling you about what we did in science.

The thing we did was we lit our hands on fire i will tell you what i felt,saw,smelt 

  1. I felt pain
  2. I felt excitement
  3. I felt nervous  
  4. I felt heat 

  1. I saw a big orange flame 
  2. I saw a big black ring of fire going up to the roof 
  3. I saw other people getting their hands set on fire as well 

Here is a  photo of a person getting their hands set on fire 

This person was really brave to get a big scoop of bubble and get lit on fire because a lot of people said it hurt a little it even hurt me a little so I was very surprised.

But thank you for reading my blog post:)

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Treaty of Waitangi facts and answers

Ohayo gozaimasu,

Today in hurumanu 1, we are currently answering questions that are quite confusing but still make sense. I had finished my work with the help of my buddies, Lydia and Sophia. 

The questions were.... 

What are more unusual questions that are related to the Treaty of Waitangi would you like my buddies and I to answer? Thank you for reading my post. :)