Monday, 26 August 2019

Tanka poem

Hello readers today I am going to be telling you about Tanka poems.

Tanka poetry refers to a Japanese 31-syllable poem, traditionally written as a single, unbroken line. The word "tanka" translates to "short song." Similar to haiku poetry,tanka poems have specific syllable requirements.

here is my Tanka poem 

Spring pet’s
5 animals are born                                                     5 my dog is called chase 
7 labs are jumping up and down                              7 Chase doesn't eat dog food  

5 I like the springtime                                                  5 my dog is fluffy 

7 the bee stung my hand                                             7 I used to have a bunny 

7  bees collect so much pollen                                   7 my bunny ran back to me 


5 I love my sister

7 I like my sisters a lot 

5 sometimes she be mean

7  I love my whole family 

7 my family is funny 

I hope you liked mt Tanka poem please feel free to comment

what limerick means

Hello readers today I am going to be telling you about limericks  

limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines. The first, second, and fifth lines must have seven to ten syllables while rhyming and having the same verbal rhythm. The third and fourth lines should only have five to seven syllables; they too must rhyme with each other and have the same rhythm. here is one limerick that I made


A There once was a young girl from Wales
A Who was selling pretty fake nails
B She had some that were red
B That made her super dead 
A she didn't sell many so she fails

I hope you liked my limerick and feel free to comment.

Friday, 23 August 2019

Buddy class

Hello Readers today me and my buddy's are going to tell you about buddy class.

In buddy class we do cool actives for this term we do one of my buddy's who is Zeinab she like's to write and my other buddy which is Natui. She like's to write as well. I like to hang out with my buddy's.   

Natui like's to play outside. 

Zeinab like's to play games. 

I like to spend time with my buddy's. 

Here is a picture of Zeinab.   

Here is a picture of Natui. 

Here is a picture of me 

Here is a picture of all of us.

We hope you liked our blog post please feel free to comment.