A Tanka poetry refers to a Japanese 31-syllable poem, traditionally written as a single, unbroken line. The word "tanka" translates to "short song." Similar to haiku poetry,tanka poems have specific syllable requirements.
here is my Tanka poem
Spring pet’s
5 animals are born 5 my dog is called chase
7 labs are jumping up and down 7 Chase doesn't eat dog food
5 I like the springtime 5 my dog is fluffy
7 the bee stung my hand 7 I used to have a bunny
7 bees collect so much pollen 7 my bunny ran back to me
5 I love my sister
7 I like my sisters a lot
5 sometimes she be mean
7 I love my whole family
7 my family is funny
I hope you liked mt Tanka poem please feel free to comment