Monday 30 August 2021

Lake Taupo

 Hello everybody Today I am going to be telling you about our reading activity for week five. 

So as you guys all know in new Zealand we recently went to alert level 4 for covid so we have been doing work at home and stuff and hope all of you are safe. Anyway moving on so for our reading group we have to do reading activities about Lake Taupo.

We had to make a screencastify about us reading this journal and I made one as well I mean I am supposed to. Anyway here is my one and the photo of the journal as well hope you like it 

I hope you like my blog post. Also, has anybody seen a kiwi in person before.?? don't forget to comment. 

Wednesday 18 August 2021

The Tangiwai Rail Disaster


1. What do I think about the disaster 

This is also another horrible disaster from the '90s.

2. What do I think I will find out about this disaster?

I think I will find out where this disaster took place and how many people died. 

Reading comprehension-

1. How many people died.

151 people died during this disaster. 

2. where did the lahar begin. 

It happened at the top of Mt Ruapehu.

3. When did the tangiwai Rail Disaster take place. 

It happened in 1953 in December.

4.How did the driver know that he needed to use his emergency breaks.

Because he saw a man that was waving his torch warning him to stop.

5. Why did the queen give out medals.

She gave medals to 4 people to show their bravery.  

6. what was installed after the Tangiwai Rail Disaster.

They installed a warning system on the Whangaehu.

My notes- 

Video One 

Video two 

Video three

One of the survivor's story 

I hope you liked my blog post feel free to comment. I have a question for you as well if you are from a different school then have you ever had to learn about The Tangiwai Rail Disaster aswell. Byeee :) 

Thursday 12 August 2021

Word Art - Rugby

 Hello everybody today I am going to be telling you about one of the reading activities in our reading groups. 

This activity is called word art. the thing that we are reading about is is our teacher that plays rugby she plays for Black ferns. And it is so cool that we have a teacher for the Black ferns.

The thing that we need to include in our word art is like stuff about rugby so even if it was just like rugby ball and stuff like that. But I have finished my one so I hope you like it I didn't include a lot of words so I am sorry but I still finished it so here it is.:)

Here are also three things that I have learned and the third one is really dumb but yeah 

Here is my key vocabulary 

I hope you liked my blog post. Oh and I have a question for you guys do you play rugby or not. Feel free to comment BYEEEE:)

Ginger beer

 Ginger Beer


This week we are trying to make ginger beer 


How to make Ginger Beer 

Funny clip

How yeast ferments beer

Method :


Lemon, Sugar, Ginger, Yeast, Water 

Teaspoon, cup, wooded stick, Tablespoon 


Put some activated yeast in a cup ( no specific measurements )

Add 1 teaspoon of sugar 

Add 150 ml of lukewarm water 

Let sit for 5 minutes 

Then add a splash of pre-squeezed lemon juice 

Then add half of the amount of ginger you have 

Then taste it and if you want more add some more 

Then we let our teacher taste it and they will add some more sugar, Ginger or lemon 

Then you have to wait for the next day 

Enjoy your Ginger beer


In the end, when I tasted it it was fizzy which made me really surprised.


I really hope someone can answer this question so, I really want to know what made it fizzy.

Thank you for reading my blog post feel free to comment . BYEEEE

Tuesday 10 August 2021

The Ballantynes Fire

What do I think I know about this disaster?

I know that it was a fire and it happed on November 18th, 1974. and I know it in Christchurch because my parents have been there.

What do I think I will learn about this disaster?

I think that I will find out some really interesting facts about the history of Christchurch.

Task 2

1. people were served by waitress in aprons and caps, expensive clothes were sold and ladies wore hats and gloves. It was a designer store.

2. Christchurch 

3. November 18th, 1947 at 3.46pm.

4. They had no smoke alarms and no evacuation plans. The downstairs workers thought it was just a small little fire so they didn't tell the people upstairs 

5. 41 workers died in the fire two people jumped out of a window they were left unconscious they were hospitalized and they still survived.


Video link 

Video 2


- Worst fire in NZ history 

- 46 people were missing including the people that died

- Army and airforce helped the firemen keep control of the crowd 

- the trapped workers were waving down to the people in the street asking for help before they engulfed them and killed 

-they had 25mins before the first flames were seen 

-This resource wasn't useful because it was too long and it was unclear to hear. but some of the bits were helpful

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Eating hot chillies


I want to find out if milk will help reduce the burn of the hot sauce

Research of videos 

The funny link 



1. Hot sauce 
2. toothpick
3. Stopwatch 
4. Water, coke, milk 


  1. Get all of your equipment 
  2. Dip the toothpick in the hot sauce 
  3. Suck the hot sauce off the toothpick 
  4. Start timing 
  5. stop timing when it stops burning 
The time it took to stop the burning 
Just Chili: 50 secs Water: 12 secs Coke: 11 secs Milk: 7 secs this time is my friend's time.

Conclusion :
My friend told me that milk is the best thing to drink to stop the burning sensation 

Discussion :
Why does chili burn your mouth and why does milk stop it? 
when you eat a chili, the capsaicin is released into your saliva When this happens, it triggers these receptors, which send a signal to your brain, fooling it into thinking that your mouth is literally burning.

Tuesday 3 August 2021

My vocabulary about the Napier Disaster

 Hello everybody today I am going to be telling you about my vocab about the Napier Disaster. First, let me explain what we had to do. Our teacher wrote some words down that we had to turn into sentences but the words that she wrote down were related to the Napier Disaster. For example, Debris because there were so many broken buildings so there was a lot of debris. Anyway here is my work hope you like it :)

Hope you liked it. Now I have a question for you do you know what Lahar is? Byeeee!!:)


The Napier Earthquake

 Napier and Hastings, Hawke's Bay. At least 256 people died in the magnitude 7.8 earthquake
I think I will find out something interesting  

1. at 10.47 on Feb 3rd, 1931 
2. the official day toll was 256.161 in Napier,93 in hastings, and 2 Wairoa
3. In the botanical gardens and the racecourse in Napier
4. They were able to rebuild the houses In art Deco style, making it a tourist attrition 
5. 2 and a half minutes 
6. children were sent around NZ because there were no schools for them to go to and no houses for them to live in. Also, it wasn't safe with all the aftershocks. 

    - The veronica bell rings for 2 and a half minutes, the length of the quake 
-99yr Nola Manly was 9 when the quake struck- one boy got hit with a brick from a chimney 
- House chimneys fell down people had to live in tents 
- Eric Baggit was 2- he doesn't remember the quake but has seen the city be rebuilt
- The HMS Veronica helped the people in the city   

-Napier is on the east coast above wellington 
-there was a quake followed by fire 
-only 12 buildings didn't need to be demolished 
-cruises from Aukland had doctors on board to help 
-A temporary hospital was made
-HMS Veronica was able to help
-fire started in 2 pharmacies 
-1% of the population died  
-6% of the population was taken out of the city, mostly women and children were sent south 
- people lived in tents because they didn't feel safe in houses 
-the water stopped an hour later after the quake 
-took weeks for the sewage to be going again 
-the highway was built on a mudflat and so the road was destroyed 
-the railways to wellington were going two days after 
-the navy helped clean up after 
-demolished building , supplied food and water 
- the nurse home collapsed and many night nurses were killed 

Goal setting for term 3

 My Goal Setting.

Hello everyone, Today I am going to be telling you about my Goal settings for term,3 We have been doing our goal setting for the last two days First I will start by explaining what this Goal setting I am talking about.

Just near the beginning of the term all the year 7/8/9 had to write down our goals for our new term. So like at the start of term,3 I am pretty sure we are going to be doing this again so we can set new goals. Because we get new subjects every new term 

so that is what our goal settings are about. So here is a photo of my goal setting.

Year 7/8 Wānanga Goal Setting

Name: sophia

Class:  TZR

Term: 3


Greatest achievement from the last term: 

Subjects taken this term:  WdT,SmT,Sci

Hurumanu: Idk yet


Miss Tozer Nga Tangata


Miss Handley 


Mrs. Cairns

Technology: WdT sewing 

Language: SMT

Other: sci

Academic Goals 

Short term (this term):





Non-academic goal (can be out of school):

Drawing, get better at ice-skating

What are my learning strengths

(Refer to Year 8 Graduate Profile)

What are my learning work ons

(Refer to Year 8 Graduate Profile)

I try my best at all of my subjects

I listen to other peoples ideas 

I help others if they are stuck 


the reading activities 

and I need to work on my screencast 

How will I achieve this?

just keep trying 

End of term reflection


Mountain biking

 Hello everybody today I am going to be telling you about Anton Copper and some facts about Mountain biking.

So for hurumanu, we have reading groups and we are focusing on Anton copper he is a famous mountain biker. Our teacher made us do something new which is the word art I don't think I have ever done this in a blog post so I am pretty new for me. 

Mountain biking: I have never been Mountian biking before so I don't know many facts about it but I will tell you some of the stuff I know. When you go Mountain biking there are certain places you go to. Here is a word Art that I made. 


Also here is a screencastify about where Anton Copper trained 

I hope you liked my blog post feel free to comment! Do you know anything else about Anton? Byeeee.