Thursday 30 September 2021

The Christchurch Earthquake


What do I think I know about this disaster?

All I know is that there was a big earthquake in Christchurch and it destroyed a lot of stuff.

What do I think I will find out about this disaster?

Interesting facts.

1. Why do you think there was no loss of life in the September earthquake?
People got into a safe place before the earthquake
2. How many people were injured in the February Earthquake 
at least 46 people were reported injured. 
3. Explain liquefaction in your own words
Something that is progressing a thing, especially a gas or liquid
4. How many people died when the CTV building collapsed
 115 people died when the CTV building collapsed.
5. List three words that are synonyms of the word 'huge'
Colossal, Enormous, Monstrous.

Here are two videos.

Hope you liked reading my blog post. feel  free to comment aswell.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

The Pike River Mine


What do I think I know about this disaster?

All I know is that there was a big explosion.

What do I think I will know about this disaster? 

I think I'll just find some awesome facts! that will come in handy for the future.

1. Where is the pike River mine?
Pike River is near a place called Moonlight Tops hut. But pike river mine is located in the Paparoa Range on the West coast of the South Island. 
2. When did mining at the Pike River mine begin?
At 3:44 PM on November 19th, 2010.
3. How many men were inside the mine when the explosion occurred?
31 miners were deep underground when there was a massive methane explosion.
4. How many men escaped?
Only two named Daniel Rockhouse and Russell Smith survived, stumbling up from two kilometers underground.
5. Why were robots sent into the mine?
So for the robots to look for more survivors but they couldn't get far.
6. What decision did Jacinda Ardern make and announce in 2019?
Jacinda Ardern ( Prime Minister ) promised to unseal and re-enter the mine, and send in a team to see what they could find.

Here are two videos!!

Video one 

Video two 

Thank you for reading my blog post don't forget to comment.:)

Saturday 25 September 2021

Health and Safety For science


I want to find out the basics of health and safety for when you are in a science laboratory.


The most important Lab safety Rule

Follow the instructions! Whether it's listening to your instructor or lab supervisor or following a procedure in a book, it's critical to listen, pay attention, and be familiar with all the steps.

Know the location of the safety equipment and equipment:

In the event something goes wrong, it's important to know the location of the safety equipment and how to use it. As for the equipment, it's always a good thing to know where the equipment is.


Save your snacking for after your science period, not the lab. Don't eat or drink in the science laboratory.

Don't taste or sniff the chemicals:

Not only should you not bring in food or drinks, but you shouldn't taste or smell chemicals either it's just for your own health and safety.

That's all for my health and safety hope you enjoyed reading my health and safety for science don't forget to comment.

Thursday 23 September 2021

Coke And Mentos

Aim - I want to find out what will happen when you drop Mentos into a bottle of coke



- Mentos

- A bottle of coke

- Flat surface


1. Get your equipment

2. Take the lid of the coke

3. Put your bottle of coke on a flat surface

4. Put the mentos into the coke and sees what happenes


Coke and Mentos - by Leila Sheffey [Infographic]

Here is a video of someone doing a coke and mentos experiment. LINK 

I can conclude that if you add mentos into a bottle of coke It will make the coke erupt and shoot out of the bottle. 

As the Mentos candy sinks in the bottle, the candy causes the production of more and more carbon dioxide bubbles, and the rising bubbles react with carbon dioxide that is still dissolved in the soda to cause more carbon dioxide to be freed and create even more bubbles, resulting it to erupt. 

What is a base?

 Acid has Hydrogen in it.

The strength of Acid is measured on the pH scale.

It goes from 0 to 14 

0-1 red

2-3 orange

4-6 Yellow

7 Green

8-10 Blue 

11-12 Indigo

13-14 Violet 

A base is an opposite chemical to an acid 

A base contains hydroxide (OH)

An acid and a base NEUTRALISE each other and make water 

Here is a photo of what it's like.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

The Erebus Plane Crash


What do I think I know about this disaster?

All I know is that there were zero survivors.

What do I think I will find out about this disaster?

I think I will find out something that will be helpful for e in the future!


1. Where was the Flight 901 heading, and where was it planning to land?
Air New Zealand Flight 901 left auckland for a trip to Antractica. They were to fly over several islands, see McMurdo Station and Scott Base, and land in Christchurch after covering over 8,600 kilometres and flying for 11 hours.
2. What were the names of the pilot and co-pilot of flight 901?
Caption Jim Collins and co-pilot First officer Greg Cassin.
3. Why did the pilot ask to descend to 450 metres?
At 12:45 PM, the caption gained permission to descend to 450 metres, so his passengers could have a better view of the surroundings.
4. What reasons are given in the passage for why the crash occurred?
After an hour of radio silence, search planes were sent out but the wreckage wasn't spotted until after midnight. 
5. What time did the crash occurr?  
It happened at 12:49 PM.



I hope you liked my blog post don't forget to comment. BYEEE

Thursday 16 September 2021

What is an Acid

 Name of Acid:

  • Hydrochloric Acid
  • Sulfuric Acid
  • Nitric Acid
  • Citric Acid 
  • Formic Acid 
  • Tartaric Acid 
  • Phosphoric Acid 
  • Acetic Acid 
  • Formic Acid 
Formula Acid:


Where do you find acids? 

  • Plaque Acid n your teeth.
  • Stomach acid is Hydrochloric Acid.
  • Battery acid is sulfuric Acid.
  • Lemons and Oranges Have citric Acid.
  • Vinegar contains Acetic Acid.
  • Bee stings have formic Acid.
  • coca-cola has carbonie Acid.

Thank you for reading my blog post I actually didn't know any of this stuff either and also my teacher said that we were learning year 11/12 work! which I felt very proud but it was mostly my teacher and his awesome way of teaching.🙌 His name is Mr. Stock so to all the teachers reading this umm.. sorry but... 😓

Red Cabbage Indicator


I want to find out how to tell if something is an acid.



  • Beaker
  • Cabbage 
  • Hot water
  • Test tubes
  • Acid + Hydroxide
  • Dropper

  1. Get your equipment ready
  2. Rip up your red cabbage 
  3. Put your ripped up cabbage in the Beaker 
  4. pour hot water into the Beaker 
  5. Then you put the Hydroxide in the right test tube
  6. Then put the Acid in the left acid 
  7. Then get your dropper to suck up the cabbage water
  8. Then drop the tinted water in the right tube 
  9. Then drop the tinted water in the left tube  


The left tube turned pink and the right tube turned greenish yellowish 

Test pH levels with red cabbage - Discovery Express

Thursday 9 September 2021

Making Sherbet


I want to find out how to make sherbert.


 Video 1



  • Cup
  • Baking powder 
  • Citric acid 
  • Sugar (Raro)
  • stirring rod (Popsicle stick) 
  • Teaspoon 


  1. Get you equipment 
  2. Add a teaspoon of raro into a cup.
  3. Add half a teaspoon of baking powder into the cup.
  4. Add half a teaspoon of citrus acid into your cup
  5. Mix the powder with your popsicle stick.
  6. Taste the sherbet and adjust the flavor if necessary.


When I put it in my mouth it instantly foamed up because of the saliva in my mouth.


Citric Acid + Sodium = Carboin Dioxide 

Thank you guys for reading my blog. Don't forget to comment.

Saturday 4 September 2021

Gold Mining In NZ

 Hello everybody today I am going to be telling you about our reading activities for this week.

So we practically have to do the same thing as last week but a different subject. The subject that we are reading about Is gold mining I don't know much about mining soooo. yeah, but I didn't know that they did mining in NZ.

We have to read a journal and look at other resources as well and then I have to take a screencastify of me reading the journal and the thing we have to focus on while reading is that we have to try correcting ourselves while reading out loud. Here is a screencastify of me reading our journal.    


Thank you everybody for reading my blog post don't forget to comment. Byee.